
I am in Portland, and I am in love...

My view from the car window as I left Grandma and Saba's yesterday.

This place, this state, this city, are too cool for words. So I'll not even try. After a long day driving yesterday, I had a short one today, and now I'm going to relax, and go see what I can of this cool new place, and enjoy myself. Some pictures for your amusement.

A brief anecdote from yesterday, and then I'm off. I stopped to pump gas in LA, at the very end of Sunset Boulevard, which made me think of Miah. I pumped the gas, and saw that my total was exactly seventy five dollars. I thought to myself, that'll never happen again, only that afternoon, I pumped my gas, in the middle of the desert in the middle of the vast expanse that it California, and my total? That's right.

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