For starters we'll take a peek at the first two successful loaves of bread I've baked in the trailer's oven.
A standard sourdough, or Pain Au Levain, if you want to get all french about it:
Then we've got a five grain, three wheat sandwich loaf(The three wheats in question are whole wheat flour, bulgur, and whole wheat couscous{yes, couscous, what of it?}):
On Monday I got a day off from weeding garlic, but don't worry I got back to it today, and instead spent the day planting seed with Kelly. It was a nice break, and incredibly educational. We might well have gone a little overboard, but his wife wasn't there to reign us in:
Today was back to the garlic, and in the rain for much of the afternoon. Boy, will I ever be glad when this chore is done, and over with. Yesterday we had a visitor, another potential intern, and a possible roommate depending on how the living situation works out. His name was Jon, and he seemed like a nice kids, he's spent the last few years traveling around the country working on farms. So unlike me, he has some idea of what he's getting himself into.
I'm about to lose internet access, so I think this will be the last I post for now. I've got more to tell you all, but until I've got a day with unfettered internet access, it will just have to wait. I love you all, and I miss you, and I can't wait to see you again. To leave you on a happy note, look what I harvested for myself from the kitchen garden this afternoon. Can you say dinner?:
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