I spent the ride from the peninsula sewing a carrying case for my knitting needles, because I'm apparently a big old nerd...who would have guessed? As you might have figured from my last post things are slow these days, and until I have more definite plans for my future, they'll continue to be that way, and frankly, I'm OK with that.
What sort of things have I been up to since last we spoke? I finished that hat I was working on, only it was so large I turned it into a bag to hold my knitting projects.
I went out to Lake Crescent this week, the first time I've had a chance to get out there in a while, and boy am I glad I took the opportunity. Storm King was covered in snow, as all the peaks were, and it made for some fantastic viewing. Take a look; these shots are all from around the OPI campus:
What's that? Have I been fermenting things no normal person would even consider? Come on now. This is me we're talking about. Of course I have. I give you parsnip wine:
In the further adventures of Aaron and the Olympic peninsula, Maggie and I went out onto forest service land, and got technically lost, although we were in no danger of not finding our way back to civilization there was a period of time(an hour, maybe two) when where we thought we were, and where we actually were, didn't exactly coincide. What were doing out in the hinterlands? We were finding, and killing, a Christmas tree. My first non-plastic tree in as many years. We call her Lucille(Maggie is the one wearing boots. Lucille is wearing branches):

What have I done since I arrived in Seattle...Not a whole lot. Hung out at a coffee shop(this being Seattle, after all) that I like, earlier. Did some research, and failed to find a show to check out this evening. Failing that I got all gussied up, went to a fine dining establishment, and ate expensive and refined food, and drank cocktails and had a wonderful relaxing evening. We will not discuss how much I spent, or whether I could afford such luxury. Spur Gastropub, check it out. When my meal was done I emerged from the restaurant to find the city streets awash with rain, which as you all must know, brought me great satisfaction. I walked back to the hostel, grinning like an idiot, wrote this blog, and once it's done, I'm going to do some knitting, and then hit the hay.
Going to see if I can do a little more adventuring in the morning before I head to the airport, but even if I have no time for it, I'll call this leg of my trip a success. I can't wait to arrive in San Diego, and I can't wait to see you all...in the meantime hope all of your journeys are safe, and as satisfying as mine has been so far.